Honor Society Update: Winter 2021
The latest in our leadership development offerings—the “Leadership Is…” Webinar Series—allows students to explore leadership and identify their unique strengths. Each webinar includes creative exercises to foster self-reflection, share ideas, and promote growth. Share the full on-demand series with your students, and use the accompanying worksheets to prompt group discussions at your next meeting! Leadership...
Advise, Advise: Volume 49 (2020-2021)
Morning Announcements: Spring 2020
Coming Soon: Design Your Own Apparel We’re putting the finishing touches on Torchlight Studios, the official custom apparel stores for NHS, NJHS, and NatStuCo with exclusive permission to use the student program logos. With Torchlight, you and your chapter or council members will be able to show your pride and raise awareness for your chapter...
Advise, Advise: Volume 48 (2019-2020)
Honor Society Update: June 2019
Financial aid, scholarship applications, admissions testing—the considerations students must take into account for their higher-education planning can be overwhelming. Whether they’re middle level students exploring their options for the future, high school students feeling the pressure of deadlines, or recent graduates who are nervous and excited about what next fall will bring, the National Honor...
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)
Morning Announcements: April/May 2019
Take Charge National Student Leadership Week is almost here! Celebrate April 21–27 with this year’s theme “Student Leaders: Taking Charge,” which focuses on how students are changing their communities for the better. The theme ties closely with global citizenship and the #EngageInChange initiative conceived by NASSP’s Student Leadership Advisory Committee. Share how you and your...
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)
Honor Society Update: February/March 2019
It’s time to look ahead, not just to the end of the school year, but beyond. Empower your members with all the resources they need to prepare for their futures. From navigating financing options and programs, to applying for various scholarships, to tackling the college admissions process, www.nhs.us/college has the tools students need to plan...
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)
Morning Announcements: September 2018
Build Leadership Skills Together Start planning for the invigorating and informative LEAD (Leadership Experience and Development) Conferences we have scheduled for this school year: Orlando, FL, November 2–4; Washington, D.C., February 1–3, 2019; and Chicago, March 22–24, 2019. Bring your chapter or council to one of these weekend events and gain inspiration from the presenters,...
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)
Honor Society Update: June 2018
As you join fellow advisers in that collective sigh of relief for the end of another school year, it’s a good time to recap this year’s activities for the National Honor Societies and suggest some look-ahead options. #Futuready The NHS/NJHS #Futuready suite of visual guides and videos launched this year. Its modules are designed to...
Advise, Advise: Volume 46 (2017-2018)