Take 10: Winter 2021

Celebrate With NHS March 1, 2021, marks the centennial anniversary of NHS. Discover how former student leaders Allie Swain, Isabella Sarria, and Gavin Arneson use the four pillars of NHS to accomplish some extraordinary things. Learn about the rigorous standards Greg Brooks uses with his NHS chapter and how students realize the importance of community...
Advise, Advise: Volume 49 (2020-2021)

Take 10: June 2019

#Work2BeWell Sara Nilles and the Oregon Association of Student Councils are doing their part to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness. Here’s how you can get started: Listen to students and have an open dialogue to pinpoint key mental health issues and possible solutions. Raise awareness in school by talking with administrators, holding assemblies, or...
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)


Students are connected to social media almost constantly. How do you make sure they’re connecting in the right way? #ICANHELP—a nonprofit group whose mission is to educate and empower students to use social media positively—offers a commonsense approach to help students clear away negativity. This is done through modeling, guiding, and a lot of practice....
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)