Take 10: Summer 2020
Change for the Better Whether you’re a brand-new adviser or a veteran looking to spice things up, there are smart ways to enact change within your chapter or council: Develop an outline for the changes with specific, measurable goals. Use good, reliable sources (both human and material). Make a timetable for completion, including steps with...
Advise, Advise: Volume 48 (2019-2020)
Change for the Better: Summer 2020
Donna Murphy has a counseling caseload of 400 students at her high-achieving high school and has more than 250 members in her very active NHS chapter. She also serves on the leadership team in her school and helps in a host of other school functions and activities. So it’s easy to see why she streamlined...
Advise, Advise: Volume 48 (2019-2020)
A Conversation With… John Norlin
John Norlin is co-founder of CharacterStrong, an organization that provides leadership and character development curricula for schools internationally. Before founding CharacterStrong, Norlin was a leadership teacher and student council adviser for a decade and then served as program administrator for the whole child and director of student leadership in the Sumner School District in Washington...
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)
Take Ten: September 2018
Stay “Above the Line” This important concept is about being aware of your thinking and overall outlook. Staying positive, focusing on what’s important, and avoiding temptations to fall into negative thinking and behaviors can have a big impact on both your own productivity and that of your chapters and councils. Start the school year off...
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)
Make It Stick
All of us have goals. Whether it is simply to make it through the day without five cups of coffee or to save enough money for retirement, we are continuously setting goals for ourselves for the future. The same can be said about our students, whether it is a goal of completing a certain amount...
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)
From the Directors: September 2018
Back to school! It’s not just about getting back into a routine; it’s also about getting in the right mindset for a successful year. We are eager to support you and your students in helping the entire school community stay positive for 2018–19. But before your student leaders can help others, they need to help...
Advise, Advise: Volume 47 (2018-2019)