The National Honor Society (NHS) is proud to recognize the following recipients of the 2017 Outstanding Service Project awards.

Willow Bend Academy

Providing Promise to Texas Teens
Plano, TX
Adviser: Laura Doi
Principal: Ed Pilkington

Numerous teens sleep on the streets every night in Dallas, TX. Promise House works to provide many of these teens with nourishment, shelter, and hope. The NHS chapter at Willow Bend Academy collected clothing, food, and toiletries, totaling 714 items, from the student body and faculty to provide to Promise House for these teens. Additionally, $570 in gift cards and cash were collected for Promise House to use as necessary. These donations will enable Promise House to continue its mission to provide aid to teens in need.

Aviano Middle/High School

Project Croatia
Adviser: Tina Lake
Principal: Kent Worford

On December 10, 2016, the Aviano Middle High School National Honor Society, along with members of the Aviano Air Base community, visited two orphanages in Petehi and Pula, Croatia. The main goal of this project was to give support to orphans in Croatia by supplying essential items, such as clothes, food, school supplies, and Christmas presents. Our secondary goal was to raise awareness within the student body about children of our own ages in need in our neighboring country of Croatia.

Colegio Internacional de Carabobo

NHS/NJHS Supply Drive
Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela
Adviser: Mr. Marshall Beggs
Principal: Mr. Eric Chicas

The Supply Drive provided school supplies for students in need within various communities in Valencia. The socioeconomic situation in Venezuela has prevented a large portion of the population from fulfilling its basic needs, not to mention a proper education. The cost of essential school supplies like pencils, erasers, among others, is exceeding the minimum wage pay, thus becoming inaccessible to a majority of Venezuelan families. Due to this, various Venezuelan kids are hindered to pursue their studies and excel later in life. The chapter tackled hyperinflation by communicating with private warehouses, emphasizing the collection of funds, and raising awareness.

Bellefontaine High School

Veteran’s Day Military Recognition Assembly
Bellefontaine, OH
Adviser: JoAnne Aburto
Principal: Dr. Pam Noeth

The National Honor Society Veteran’s Appreciation Day occurred on November 18, 2016. In wake of the National Anthem controversy, the Bellefontaine NHS wanted students to be able to make an educated decision whether or not to stand for the playing of our National Anthem. After presentations by the American Legion, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Rogerson, and Purple Heart recipient Retired Sergeant Gary Yoakam, the students had a choice to make. After the student body silently, respectfully, stood during the National Anthem, a standing ovation concluded the assembly. The NHS Class of 2017 has left a lasting impression.

Hanalani Schools

Pi Day – Philippines Donation Project
Mililani, HI
Adviser: Rochelle Sakurai
Principal: Winston Sakurai

The Hanalani NHS chapter began to take a greater interest in the Philippines after a super typhoon hit the chain of islands. We learned of the impoverished conditions where children often do not have enough clothing, food, or even electricity in their homes. NHS members organized a fundraiser on Pi Day (3/14) selling slices of pie and lemonade to help ship an estimated $12,000 in donated items to elementary age children in the Philippines. This project provided Hanalani students with an opportunity to make a positive difference in their global community.

Lutheran High School South

A Meaningful Christmas
St. Louis, MO
Adviser: Mrs. Bethany Pitman
Principal: Brian Ryherd

In the summer of 2016, Lutheran High School South student Henry Manu drowned in a nearby river. The 18-year-old was about to begin his senior year after fleeing Liberia, Africa, as a refugee 10 years earlier. The Lutheran South National Honor Society chose to honor Henry by serving Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA), an organization that helped Henry during his transition to America. NHS hosted a penny drive at the high school, raising a total of $1,623. NHS members used this money to buy Christmas presents for 22 refugees, who were celebrating their first American Christmas.

The American School of Tampico

A Special Kind of Kidzania
Tampico, Tamps., Mexico
Adviser: Maru Castaneda
Principal: Lourdes Gonzalez

Every year, the American School of Tampico student council works together with the TeletĂłn Foundation in Mexico to organize an active playdate for children supported by TeletĂłn. Students create country fair games that involve hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and depth perception to help children improve in these areas. Students and children enjoy a fulfilling day where they interact with one another through games and over lunch, where students chat with the children and make them laugh. One of the preferred activities of the children is having their faces painted as the characters from the movie students take them to watch.

Woodcreek High School

Santa’s Helpers
Roseville, CA
Adviser: Natasha Schaefer
Principal: Becky Rood

The Woodcreek High School NHS chapter presents Santa’s Helpers, an all-day event at a local elementary school where students’ family incomes fall below the poverty line. The entire high school is involved in collecting personalized gifts for 400 elementary students. Each child receives a book, clothing item, and a toy. With the school cafeteria transformed into a winter candy land, children enjoy skits, singing, craft making, mentoring by basketball players, and a performance by the dance team. Promoting awareness of child homelessness and poverty at the high school, Santa’s Helpers is a day of holiday spirit where new friendships are made.

York Catholic High School

Inner City Playground Project
York, PA
Adviser: Ms. Jeanette F. Craymer
Principal: Mrs. Katie Seufert

York is considered to be safer than just 11 percent of all cities in the United States and has violent and property crime rates which are well above the national average. To help break this pattern of violence within our community, York Catholic’s National Honor Society partnered with Bring on Play (BOP) to discourage youth from engaging in crime by providing a safe place to play. Through the efforts of BOP, the city of York, volunteers from the community, and two shifts of students from York Catholic High School’s NHS chapter, the playground was essentially completed in a single day.

Troy Buchanan High School

Blood Drive
Troy, MO
Adviser: Georganna Krumlinde
Principal: Dr. Jerry Raines

Each year, NHS sponsors a blood drive for students, staff, and faculty to donate blood during our school day. We work with Mississippi Valley because they are efficient and health conscious. In advance, they give us the promotional materials we need to encourage sign-ups. Our NHS members man a table during lunch shifts for a week using those materials. On the day itself, they arrive early to help set up before classes start. They distribute snacks and water for the clients, and if we meet our goal, scholarship money is provided by Mississippi Valley.